PlantSight Enterprise Help


Used to View or Acknowledge warnings related to the operational properties of elements in the digital twin highlighted with colors and icons indicating the severity of the warnings.

  • Warning - Yellow triangle
  • Alarm - Orange square
  • Critical - Red diamond
View Click to open details about the warnings.
Acknowledge Opens a menu with acknowledgement options.
Each option opens a dialog used to add information about the acknowledgement.

Request for Work option

Request for Work Used to enter a Work Title, an End Before date, and an Acknowledgement Note. Clicking inside the End Before field opens a pop-up calendar and clock which allow you to select a date and time. Clicking Acknowledge completes the work request.
Fixed During Inspection, Incorrect Alarm, Incorrect Reading, Monitoring Used to enter an Acknowledgement Note. Clicking Acknowledge completes the note.
View All Events Opens all warnings in a table format.